Establish a Web Accessibility Team

In order for accessibility to rise to the top of the priority list, key members of your organization need to be responsible for promoting, supporting, and/or implementing new accessibility policies and standards.

Appoint an Accessibility Champion

An accessibility champion is a person who is responsible for ensuring that all digital assets within the organization meet accessibility standards. This person is typically a subject matter expert who has a deep understanding of web accessibility and can act as a resource for the rest of the organization. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that accessibility is integrated into all aspects of the organization’s digital strategy. Some of their key responsibilities may include:

  • Developing accessibility policies and guidelines
  • Conducting accessibility training sessions
  • Reviewing websites and applications for accessibility compliance
  • Providing guidance and support to developers and designers

Examples of people who could fulfill the role of accessibility champion include a web developer with a passion for accessibility, a UX designer with expertise in inclusive design, or a dedicated accessibility consultant.

Appoint Accessibility Leadership Sponsors

Accessibility leadership sponsors are senior members of the organization who can champion the need for accessibility and fund accessibility efforts. These individuals are typically responsible for securing the necessary resources to ensure that accessibility is integrated into the organization’s digital strategy. Some of their key responsibilities may include:

  • Advocating for accessibility initiatives across the organization
  • Securing funding for accessibility training and resources
  • Ensuring that accessibility is integrated into the organization’s policies and guidelines

Examples of people who could fulfill the role of accessibility leadership sponsor include C-level executives, directors, or other high-level decision-makers.

Outline Change Targets

Change targets are individuals within the organization who are responsible for promoting, supporting, or implementing accessibility standards. These individuals may include web developers, designers, content creators, and other stakeholders. Some of their key responsibilities may include:

  • Implementing accessibility best practices into their work
  • Advocating for accessibility within their team or department
  • Participating in accessibility training sessions

Examples of change targets may include web developers who are responsible for ensuring that the organization’s websites meet accessibility standards, designers who are responsible for creating accessible interfaces, or content creators who are responsible for ensuring that content is accessible to all users.

Educate your Web Accessibility Team

Increasing awareness and education is a crucial component of any successful accessibility program. This involves educating all stakeholders about the importance of accessibility, the impact of inaccessible digital assets, and best practices for creating accessible websites and applications. Some ways to increase awareness and education may include:

  • Providing accessibility training sessions for all stakeholders
  • Creating accessibility guidelines and standards for the organization
  • Hosting events and workshops to promote accessibility
  • Encouraging ongoing learning and development around accessibility best practices

Examples of educational resources that could be provided include accessibility checklists, WCAG guidelines, accessibility testing tools, and case studies that demonstrate the importance of accessibility.


See the full Web Accessibility for the Enterprise resource.

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