Lead team to Revamp E-commerce Strategy at Caterpillar


Launched in 2017, Shop.Cat.com marked Caterpillar’s initial foray into e-commerce, with the aim of selling machines online. However, due to key lessons from the pilot phase and shifts in the business landscape caused by COVID-19, it was determined that a strategy overhaul was necessary.

As a note, I actively participated in the 2017 launch and have detailed my experiences in a case study here.


  • Customer Demands: Customer research indicated that they needed to see online pricing information to make decisions.
  • Platform Build Limitations: Initially designed for a limited pilot, the platform’s manual processes and scope were not scalable.
  • System Limitations: Existing systems couldn’t handle the configurations needed for a diverse product range, complicating new feature integration.
  • Integration Complexity: Required harmonization across multiple legacy systems, demanding extensive coordination across technology teams.
  • Stakeholder Convincing: Engaging stakeholders and dealers to understand the benefits and feasibility of the overhaul.
  • Dealer Onboarding: Crucial alignment and onboarding of dealers with the new digital strategy were imperative.



Part 1: Vision and Setting Direction

  • Strategic Research and Visioning: Conducted extensive research involving dealers, customers, competitors, and market trends to redefine the platform’s vision, shifting from direct sales to a focus on lead generation.
  • Strategy Development: Redefined the e-commerce strategy with three main imperatives: integrating the platform seamlessly with Cat.com to leverage existing traffic and boost visibility, developing a dealer tool for machine configuration and pricing to streamline interactions, and automating manual processes to enhance system integrations.
  • UX Strategy and Design: Overhauled the user journey from a complex multi-page approach to a simplified, conversational wizard-style interface, eliminating unnecessary steps and clarifying user interactions for better engagement and efficiency.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: I effectively communicated the new vision to secure buy-in from both internal stakeholders and external dealers. I facilitated multiple dealer workshops and hands-on sessions, actively involving them in co-creating the revamped platform, ensuring the solution met diverse needs.
  • Technical Leadership: I coordinated with technology teams to precisely scope out and define project requirements, assessing the capabilities of existing platforms and selecting new technologies for implementation.

Part 2: Paving the Way for a New Program Manager

    • Leadership Transition: I recruited and onboarded a new program manager to lead this initiative. I provided extensive training and knowledge transfer, setting them up for success and fostering strong relationships with internal stakeholders and dealers.
    • Project Execution: Supported by my guidance, the new program manager successfully led the project to completion. This involved tight integration with technical teams, customers, dealers, and design teams to ensure all aspects of the project aligned with strategic goals.
    • Launch and Optimization: We launched the new platform and conducted comprehensive dealer training to ensure smooth onboarding. The platform has now transitioned into an optimization phase, focusing on incremental improvements and responding to user feedback.
    • Expansion Strategy: I am currently developing a strategy to expand the platform’s reach—incorporating more products, extending to additional business units, and targeting more regions, aiming to maximize the platform’s impact and scalability.


  • Lead Generation: Significantly increased lead generation, with exact metrics kept confidential.
  • Product Expansion: Boosted the number of products featured on the platform by 50%.
  • Traffic Increase: Achieved a 300% rise in organic traffic, indicating successful repositioning and user engagement.
  • Future expansion: This revamp has established a scalable and adaptable platform, setting the stage for future expansion across more products, business units, and regions.

A Closer Look

For a closer look, check out the live version of the platform here and explore related visuals and screenshots below.




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