Developing Talent Management System for Simantel’s Digital Team


Digital and Communication Strategists possess a broad and unique skill set that is difficult to develop and even harder to find. I led a company that relied heavily on strategists but lacked a systematic way to recruit and hire top strategy talent. The organization faced several key challenges:

Key Challenges

  1. Accessing Candidates: Ensuring the most appropriate fit for candidates with diverse backgrounds. A specific background wasn’t an independent predictor of success, making the skills match process challenging.
  2. Developing Strategists: There was no formal training in place, relying on on-the-job learning through trial and error.
  3. Engaging Strategists: Strategists were sometimes given projects that did not challenge them, limiting their ability to fully apply their creative and critical thinking abilities.
  4. Role Ambiguity: Strategists lacked clear expectations, and others within the organization had varied expectations for their responsibilities.


To address these challenges, I designed and deployed an organizational development system that established clear talent management practices for the Strategy team and reimagined the department structure:

Organizational Development System

  • Created a systematic approach to recruiting, hiring, and developing strategists.
  • Defined clear roles and responsibilities, adding new roles to the department.

Talent Management Practices

  • Streamlined the recruiting and hiring process.
  • Implemented formal training programs to develop strategists in-house.
  • Provided engaging and challenging projects to keep strategists motivated and satisfied.


The implementation of these actions led to significant improvements:

  • Streamlined Recruiting and Hiring Process:
    • The Strategy team increased by 266% within three years.
    • Achieved increased consistency in hiring practices.
  • Increased Employee Engagement:
    • Strategists took leadership in areas they were passionate about.
    • Built confidence and competence in their development areas, leading to visible growth in employees.

This systematic approach to developing and managing strategy talent not only streamlined processes but also fostered a more engaged and capable team, ready to tackle the company’s strategic challenges.




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